Saturday, November 21, 2009

Don't Forget To Stretch

Always do some type of warm-up for 5-10 minutes before stretching. It is acceptable to stretch before and after exercise(time permitting). I recommend stretching after the exercise to decrease soreness and improve flexibility as well as prevent injury.

In between sets is a good time to stretch. Not only does it allow you to do something productive while you are resting, it will also enable you to perform the next set in a more optimal fashion. This is because stretching the muscles after a set helps to remove lactic acid which is what causes the burning sensation when training, thereby helping you to recover for the next set.

When your goal is to build muscle, flexibility is also important for several reasons. Flexibility in your muscles and joints will allow for optimal flow of blood and nutrients into the areas being worked. This will help to repair muscles and get rid of waste products produced during exercise.

Never bounce while stretching. Go into the stretch until you feel a mild pulling(no pain)sensation and hold that position for 15 seconds initially, trying to work your way up to a 60 second hold.

There are certain muscle groups which are notoriously tight in a number of people. They are hamstrings, calves, low back, pectorals, neck extensors, upper trapezius.

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