Monday, February 28, 2011

You Can Do It Too

This is one of my clients who does exactly what I tell her and she's seeing the results she wants to see. When she first started with me, she was at 285 and unhappy. When she first came to me, I couldn't get her to run without being mad or Now at 195, she's happy and more closer to her goal than she's ever been. She works her butt off in the gym and runs on her own when she's not training with me. She did it with no gastric bypass, lipo, or lap band. I'm not knocking those who have done it or planning to. I'm just showing you that with patience, focus, consistency, and discipline, you can do the same thing. Be encouraged. If you are not where you wanna be, what are you waiting for? Start now! Give your body the tender love and care it deserves. You only get one.

How To Get a Flat Stomach

When you lose weight, you lose according to your genetics and how your body stores fat. So when you lose weight, you can't just take the fat off one spot of your body. You usually lose from all over and sometimes some areas more quickly than others...according to your genes. In order to trim up your stomach, you need to develop healthy eating habits and workout consistently. Smaller portions, frequent small meals, and avoiding heavy meals later in the day help. To put it simply, resistance and weight training build muscle. Cardio burns the fat on top so you can actually see the muscle underneath as your fat percentage lowers. You'll never see that 6 pack if you don't burn the fat and lower your body fat percentage. This applies to other body parts as well. If you don't lose the fat on top, you'll look bulky because the muscle pushes the fat out. Make health and fitness a lifetstyle. Working out and eating right work hand in hand to produce the best results. Doing one without the other produces half results. I have a lot of tips to help you throughout my blog. Go back through the archives and check out my articles.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Avoid These Foods to Lose Weight

There are many foods to avoid to lose weight. The list below is certainly not a complete list of foods to stay away from, but cutting these foods out of your diet will certainly help your weight loss efforts.

Soda: Both Diet and Regular
Soda, even diet, is not good for you. It's full of sugars which are not only destroying the body, but making you fat. The artificial sweeteners in diet soda are thought to potentially cause some health problems, including cancer. Even natural sweeteners are capable of raising your blood sugar like sugar. Sodas are empty calories because they do not provide nutrients. Simply replacing your soda intake with water is a good way to lose a considerable amount of weight within a year.

If plain water does not sound appealing, try adding a bit of lemon or cranberry juice to it. Don't replace soda with a lot of juice, because the sugars from the fruit can also produce weight gain.

Coffee is thought to have many health benefits, including a reduced risk for diabetes and a reduced risk of cavities. However, the caffeine in coffee is thought to make the body release more of the "stress hormone" cortisol, which can lead to weight gain. If you have to have lots of sugar or cream in your coffee, you're only making it worse for you, packing on the calories. If you must have it, drink it in small amounts, black, and decaffeinated.

For those who want an alternative to coffee, try drinking green tea (with as little sweetener as possible.) Green tea is known to have fat burning properties and is a good substitute.

Fat Free Food
Many people think to lose weight, you should reduce your fat intake. While this is true to an extent, simply going fat free is not a good thing. The body requires certain good fats, unsaturated fats like those found in nuts and avocados, to function. Fat free items are generally higher in sugar, which defeats the overall purpose. Low or fat free diets have also been shown to raise the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Fried Food
When you eat something fried, it's been cooked in a high fat oil. It may taste good, but it is full of extra and unnecessary calories. Fried foods are available everywhere.... and even though you don't fry it yourself, the food (corn dogs, potato chips, etc.) may have been fried before you bought it. Cut these foods out of your diet to save calories. Bake, rather than fry, to get a healthier alternative.

White Flour
White flour, commonly found in many desserts and pastas, is not good for you because it is chemically bleached. Don't let the name "wheat flour" or "enriched wheat flour" fool you. During processing, the two most nutritious parts of the wheat, the bran and the germ, are removed, and the result is bleached nearly the same way you bleach your clothing. When you eat white flour, you're eating some of those bleaching agents. During the processing from wheat to white flour, many of the nutrients get pulled out of the product, including:

•most of the good unsaturated fat
•nearly all of the vitamin E
•half the calcium
•and many more

White breads and pastas are foods to avoid to lose weight because they contain many carbohydrates which turn to sugar, and thus, later to fat in the body. Instead of using white flour, use organic whole wheat grain flour.