Dehydration occurs when you don't take in enough water to replace all that's lost through perspiration, respiration, urination, and other body processes. You're losing water all the time. Alcohol and caffeine, which are both diuretics, along with stress increase the body's fluid loss. Water is a very important nutrient that we can't live without and it is very important that we drink enough of it daily.
Benefits Of Drinking Water:
-Prevents Dehydration
-Helps regulate body Temperature
-promotes smoother skin
-keeps bowel movements more regular and soft
-increases resistance to infections by hydrating the mucous lining of the respiratory tract
-maintains a higher volume of urine production (which decreases fatigue)
-helps prevent kidney stones and urinary infections
-helps prevent EDEMA (fluid retention)
-helps prevent elevated blood pressure
Symptoms of Dehydration
The signs and symptoms of dehydration range from minor to severe.
-Increased thirst
-Dry mouth and swollen tongue
-Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
-sluggishness, even fainting
-Inability to sweat
-Decreased urine output: Urine color may indicate dehydration. If urine is concentrated and deeply yellow or amber, you may be dehydrated.
Mild dehydration is easily treated by drinking water and other fluids, such as diluted fruit juice.
How Much Water Do You Need To Drink?
Divide your weight (in pounds) by two. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need each day. If working out I would recommend 96 oz a day. Keep in mind that these recommended intake numbers are controversial and some experts believe they are a gross exaggeration.
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